
Inflammation is a part of an elaborate human defense system. This process needs a functioning immune system to allow the defense against hazards such as mechanical, chemical and biological signals or at least to contain and therefore prevent organ damage. The human body responds rapidly to threats by an inflammatory response, which is also rapidly resolved upon their removal allowing for tissue repair to commence. How resolution of inflammation works is still inadequately understood and will thus be investigated by the CRC1181.

The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1181 titled Checkpoints for Resolution of Inflammation is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since July 1st, 2015 and was established to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the resolution of inflammation. Our main focus is why resolution of inflammation fails in chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, Crohn’s disease and asthma. These diseases are characterized by chronic inflammation of the inner surfaces of the body, usually having serious health implications for patients suffering from the respective disease.

Inflammation Research Erlangen stands for interdisciplinary inflammation research for the development of innovative, targeted therapies against chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Together, we want to make our research and our findings more visible. This led to the task of designing a l...

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